Alosada Kpiwi – An Abenaki Perspective with Place: An Immersive Guided Hike with Rich Holschuh
Alosada Kpiwi – An Abenaki Perspective with Place: An Immersive Guided Hike with Rich Holschuh
Saturday, September 9, 2023
10:00AM – 1:00PM
Make up date: Sunday, September 10, 2023, same time.
Outside at The Nature Museum
Sliding scale registration
“Let’s walk in the woods” – a conversation among ourselves and with All of Our Relations, exploring other ways of seeing and being in relationship with place led by Rich Holschuh. Our immersive guided walk will take us through the fields and forests of The Nature Museum grounds and the Grafton Village Park. Rich will focus on various facets of presence, relationships, connections, and past/present cultural views as we meander among natural wonders.
Important Note: We will be exploring surrounding natural areas as part of this program. Areas we explore may have uneven/unlevel terrain, variable ground conditions, and require moderate hiking. Unless there is hazardous weather, this program will occur rain or shine. Please be sure that you’re available for the make up date of Sunday 09/10 at the same times as we cannot refund you if you’re unable to attend the rescheduled program. Please come with proper footwear, clothing, water, and snacks to keep you safe and comfortable as we may be away from facilities for long periods of time.