Invasive Plant Workshop with Longview Forest and Alex Barrett
Invasive Plant Workshop with Long View Forest and Alex Barrett
Saturday 10/07 9AM – 12PM
At The Nature Museum. Outdoors. Indoors if particularly bad weather.
Registration by Donation
Join us for a hands-on workshop on the management of non-native invasive plants with local forest management professionals from Long View Forest.
Learn –
to identify numerous common invasive species;
why they should be removed to enhance ecosystem function;
the best removal techniques by species, age, concentration, and season;
disposal techniques and considerations.
how to execute taught management practices on your property
We will be exploring surrounding natural areas as part of this program and actively managing areas of concern on the Nature Museum property as part of this experience. Registration cost is by donation. Also, please consider bringing work gloves, pruners, and/or tree saws. Additional equipment will be available to borrow.
Please come prepared with the weather and activities in mind. Proper clothing, footwear, a water bottle, insect repellent, a snack, etc. This will happen light rain or shine. If there’s particularly bad weather, there will be an alternative indoor program focusing on the topic.
We’ll be focusing on several terrestrial non-native plants on the property. TNM Property Species:
Japanese knotweed
Oriental bittersweet
Japanese barberry
Glossy & common buckthorn
Burning bush
Presenter Bio: Forest Management Services
Long View’s foresters work with individuals, families, and organizations to develop and implement long term plans to care for and improve their forestland. In tackling management challenges, our specialty is finding creative approaches that help clients achieve the near universal, but elusive goal of “leaving the land better than we found it.”